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2017 AUR Annual Mtg

We’re excited to announce that WIDI will again be a vendor at this year’s annual Association of University Radiologists (AUR) meeting in Hollywood, Florida. The meeting is scheduled for May 8th to 11th at the Diplomat Beach Resort. Be sure to stop by our booth for demos! We’ll be presenting…

Abdominal Plain Film

A new learning module has been added to WIDI Learn: Abdominal Plain Film by Dr Robbie Slater Dr Robbie Slater Evaluate lines, tubes and other support devices or foreign bodies; Abdominal, pelvic, or flank pain; Abdominal distention; Nausea, vomiting,…

Temporal Bone Trauma

A new learning module has been added to WIDI Learn: Temporal Bone Trauma by Dr Anthony Mancuso Dr Anthony Mancuso Sinonasal infection, sinusitis with possible orbital abscess, intracranial complications including epidural and subdural empyema, meningoencephalitis and cavernous sinus thrombosis or…

2017 WIDI SIM 5 – Registration Open!

Registration is now open for the 2017 Emergent/Critical Care Imaging SIMulation (SIM 5). To register for the SIM, or for more information, please access our website at SIM 5 will be administered from April to June, 2017. Available dates are posted on the SignUp schedule on our website. The maximum number of…

Acute Otomastoiditis

A new learning module has been added to WIDI Learn: Acute Otomastoiditis by Dr Anthony Mancuso Dr Anthony Mancuso Headache, mastoid region tenderness & fever, suspected meningitis. Look for evidence of coalescent or otherwise complicated mastoiditis as a cause. Login…

Temporal Bone & Skull Base Osteoyelitis

A new learning module has been added to WIDI Learn: Skull Base Osteoyelitis by Dr Anthony Mancuso Dr Anthony Mancuso Headache, otalgia, mastoid region tenderness, fever, 5th through 12th nerve cranial nerve deficits; Look for evidence of skull base osteomyelitis,…

2016 RSNA SIM Abstracts

Multiple SIM-related abstracts were presented at this year’s annual Radiological Society of North America (RSNA) meeting in Chicago, Illinois: Dr Jehan Shah Dr Jehan Shah, UF Radiology Resident, presented an abstract titled: Most Frequently Missed Diagnosis: Retropharyngeal Suppurative Lymphadenitis…

Ocular and Optic Nerve/Sheath Trauma

A new learning module has been added to WIDI Learn: Ocular and Optic Nerve/Sheath Trauma by Dr Anthony Mancuso With additional modules for: Blunt Penetrating and Foreign Body Dr Anthony Mancuso Orbital trauma with possible blunt or penetrating ocular/optic nerve…

Ocular & Orbital Inflammation Conditions

A new learning module has been added to WIDI Learn: Ocular & Orbital Inflammation Conditions by Dr Anthony Mancuso Dr Anthony Mancuso Possible primary orbital and/or ocular non-traumatic infection or inflammation; Orbital or periorbital swelling or cellulitis, unilateral or bilateral…

Pediatric Pelvic Trauma & Pain

A new learning module has been added to WIDI Learn: Dr Ivan Davis Pediatric Pelvic Trauma & Pain by Dr Ivan Davis Trauma; Hip Pain. Login to WIDIOnline to access the module, which includes: Report Guide A detailed sample…