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2014 WIDI SIM 2 – Cycle Complete

The 2014 SIM Cycle is now complete! This year, 9 programs participated, totaling 104 residents! This will provide us with good statistical and comparative data which will be emailed to all program directors soon! Thanks so much for participating! We look forward to next years SIM! Please note that…

2014 Annual AUR Mtg

We’re excited to announce that WIDI will be a vendor at this year’s annual Association of University Radiologists (AUR) meeting in Baltimore, Maryland! The meeting is scheduled for April 1st to 4th at the Baltimore Marriott Waterfront. Be sure to stop by our booth for demos! We’ll be presenting the…

2014 WIDI SIM 2 – Registration Open!

Registration is now open for the 2014 Emergent/Critical Care Imaging SIMulation (SIM 2). To register for the SIM, or for more information, please access our website at SIM 2 will be administered from April to June, 2014. Available dates are posted on the SignUp schedule on our website. The…