In advance of the SIM, please complete the steps outlined below to ensure that you are fully prepared. We recommend completing these steps at least a week in advance to allow time for troubleshooting, if necessary.
Step 1: Watch the Demo Video
Step 2. Confirm Your Login
Use the workstation that has been setup for the SIM
Use Google Chrome or Mozilla Firefox (Internet Explorer is NOT supported), to access the SIM website:
Log in using our ACR username and password. ALL residents scheduled for the SIM already have an ACR username and password. If you don’t remember your ACR username or password, please click “Forgot Username/Password?” to reset it.
Step 3: Test the System
Once logged in, select Emergency Trauma > General > System Check
Click on any of the cases to automatically launch the image viewer
.Confirm that the image viewer launches and that cases are scrolling properly with no lag or latency
Familiarize yourself with the image viewer – print the Visage Quick Guide if needed.
Step 4: Take the SIM
On the date of your scheduled SIM:
Log in using our ACR username and password
Select Emergency Trauma > General > SIM 9 – 2021 (this link is activated on the date of your scheduled SIM)
Frequently Asked Questions
Q: How long is the SIM? A: The SIM is 8.5 hours, inclusive of any breaks you may wish to take.
Q: How many cases are included on the SIM? A: There are 65 cases included on the SIM.
Q:. Can I pause or stop the SIM? A: Once you’ve started the SIM, it will run continuously for 8.5 hours in duration.
Q: Can I take short breaks or a lunch break? A: The number and length of any breaks you may wish to take is at your discretion. However, please note that time will not stop. You will only have 8.5 hours to complete the SIM, inclusive of any breaks you may wish to take.
Q: Can I access educational resources during the SIM? A:. You are permitted to utilize educational resources that you would normally have access to in a typical reading room, including internet searches, STATdx, textbooks, etc. However, you are not permitted to seek assistance from others.
Q: How long should my response be? A: Please be short and concise – make the call. Identify any critical and/or key findings, pertinent negatives, and recommendations for follow-up as appropriate. Remember normal studies are included on the SIM.
Q: How do I know the definition of each acuity rating? A: Hover your cursor over each of the five options in the reporting window for a description of each acuity rating.
Q: Who grades the SIM? A: Each SIM is hand-graded by a team of UF Radiology sub-specialists who utilize a robust grading rubric.
Q: How does the SIM grading system work? A: A robust grading rubric has been incorporated into the SIM. Each case is allocated 10 points.
Q: Can I discuss my SIM results with you? A. Please direct all questions regarding SIM results to your Program Director.
Q. Who should I contact if there are technical difficulties? A. Please notify your program coordinator immediately if you experience any technical difficulties. The program coordinator should contact us for technical assistance.
Q. During the technical difficulties, I lost time – can additional time be added? A. Additional time may be added for documented technical difficulties that are brought to our attention in a timely manner.