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Most Missed Case: Sacral Fracture

Our newest installment of the “Most Missed Cases” series where we introduce clinical scenarios that are often missed on the resident SIMulation is now available. In each video, we will provide a statistical analysis of the type of errors made in reports and an expert subspecialist will review the case…

Most Missed Case: Invasive Mucormycosis

Our newest installment of the “Most Missed Cases” series where we introduce clinical scenarios that are often missed on the resident SIMulation is now available. In each video, we will provide a statistical analysis of the type of errors made in reports and an expert subspecialist will review the…

Thank you for participating in SIM 10!

Thank you to all of our SIM participants for another great year of SIM! Individual program results will be released within two weeks of your final resident taking the SIM. Global anonymized results will be released in mid- to late-July. Contact us at with questions.

Most Missed Case: Non-Accidental Trauma

Our newest installment of the “Most Missed Cases” series where we introduce clinical scenarios that are often missed on the resident SIMulation is now available. In each video, we will provide a statistical analysis of the type of errors made in reports and an expert subspecialist will review the case…

Most Missed Case: Basilar Artery Thrombosis

Our newest installment of the “Most Missed Cases” series where we introduce clinical scenarios that are often missed on the resident SIMulation is now available. In each video, we will provide a statistical analysis of the type of errors made in reports and an expert subspecialist will review the case…

Most Missed Case: Pancreatic Laceration

Welcome to the newest installment in our “Most Missed Cases” series where we introduce clinical scenarios that are often missed on the resident SIMulation. In each video, we will provide a statistical analysis of the type of errors made in reports and an expert subspecialist will review the case and…

New publication in the British Journal of Radiology

Please join us in recognizing pediatric radiologists, Drs. Priya Sharma and Dhanashree Rajderkar, along with the WIDI team on their recent publication Bubbles in the belly: How well do radiology trainees recognize pneumatosis in pedatric patients on plain film? in the British Journal of Radiology. This paper…

Most Missed Case: Calcaneal Fracture

Welcome to the newest installment in our “Most Missed Cases” series where we introduce clinical scenarios that are often missed on the resident SIMulation. In each video, we will provide a statistical analysis of the type of errors made in reports and an expert subspecialist will review the case and…

Most Missed Case: Invasive Fungal Sinusitis

Welcome to the newest installment in our “Most Missed Cases” series where we introduce clinical scenarios that are often missed on the resident SIMulation. In each video, we will provide a statistical analysis of the type of errors made in reports, and an expert subspecialist will review the case and…

Registration Open for WIDI SIM 2022

emergent/critical care imaging simulation Register now for SIM 10! 2022 marks the tenth year that we have offered this proven, objective assessment of resident competency. SIM provides a validated means…